The funny way of being happy ...

25 iulie 2009

One thing we’ll never get the chance to find out is if , when given the opportunity , we live our moments of happiness to the full .
It’s funny how some people close their eyes when they kiss ; other choose to keep them open ; some of us smile or laugh when kissed while some just hold their breath for a moment .
One thing I know for sure : happiness comes from little things ; small moments of joy put together bring a certain state of hapyness inside of our souls . That state mentioned above we must cherish and never take for granted; this is when we must live the moment not looking back at what we leave behind or forward to the consequences that might come ; that’s a moment to treasure because it brought a ray of light and hope into us and put a smile upon our faces .
I’ve learned that there’s not enough time for us to think before tasting the flavor of our sweet moments . We just have to go with the flow , let our hearts climb up to our throats and make the most of every single second . Because every moment ends sooner than we’d expect and life just isn’t kid enough to replay things for us …

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